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 2023 ROC Statewide Broadband Study Report


Recognizing a need for comprehensive analysis of the broadband needs beyond just the borders of ROC’s counties, ROC’s team secured funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission and United States Economic Development Administration to perform a study covering the entire state. The project – managed by The Thrasher Group with support from Lit Fiber and Generation West Virginia – developed more than 14,800 miles of preliminary fiber routes and associated cost estimates, broken down for each of West Virginia’s 55 counties. A Study Report was developed that details the results for the entire state, the methodology used to arrive at them, and details on how to use the data to create actionable projects to build out broadband infrastructure.

PY 2023 WV State (CAPER) Draft

The 2023 CAPER is prepared by West Virginia Community Advancement and Development (WVCAD), a division of the Department of Economic Development (WVDED), and the West Virginia Housing Development Fund (WVHDF).

A review and comment period will begin on Monday, August 26th, 2024, and conclude at the close of business on Monday, September 9th, 2024. To be considered in the report, written comments must be received in the WVDED at the address below, attention Summer Fleck, or submitted via email to by the close of business on Monday, September 9th, 2024.

FRMPO Traffic Studies


As part of their regular duties, the Fayette/Raleigh Metropolitan Planning Organization (FRMPO) addresses traffic issues within the planning organization area of Fayette and Raleigh Counties. 

The Fayette/Raleigh Metropolitan Planning Organization (FRMPO) was organized in 2012, pursuant to federal requirements, upon the release of 2010 U.S. Census data designating parts of Fayette and Raleigh counties combined as an urbanized area. Its responsibility is to provide a coordinated, cooperative, and comprehensive approach to transportation planning for an area that encompasses all of Fayette and Raleigh counties.
In the event your internet connection is slow, consider accessing individual chapters of this Plan via the links below.

Acknowledgments and Table of Contents
Regional Trends
Plan Goals and Objectives
Analysis of the Transportation System
Potential Impacts
Public Involvement
Appendix A: Regional Travel Demand Model Development Report (available through FRMPO)
Appendix B: 2040 Plan Steering Committee Membership
Appendix C: Public Input Survey
Appendix D: Public Comments
Source Water Protection Plans


In 1996, Congress required all states to develop and implement program elements to protect the sources for all public water supplies by adopting Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act. In West Virginia, the Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) is developing the Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP) program. It was developed with input from other government agencies, private agencies, and public interests. The DHHR, Bureau for Public Health (BPH) is responsible for ensuring that source water assessments are completed for all of West Virginia’s public water systems. West Virginia’s goal is to assess all sources serving public water supply systems in the next several years.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2023-2028​​


Each year, the Regional Councils must prepare or update a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for submission to its members, the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Economic Development Administration, the West Virginia Office of Economic Development, and the general public at large. The CEDS is a local planning and regional implementation process designed to create jobs, foster more stable and diversified economies, improve living conditions, and provide a mechanism for coordinating the efforts of persons and organizations concerned with economic development.  This document describes the problems, needs and resources of this region, identifies the goals and objectives of the development program, presents the strategies and action plans devised to achieve these goals, and outlines the standards for evaluation of the program’s achievements.

The West Virginia Office of GIS Coordination partnered with West Virginia's 11 Regional Planning & Development Councils to analyze and map the state's broadband infrastructure and create a stratigic plan to understand and address high speed internet needs. The results of this endeavor begin on page 32 of the Plan.

The regional Hazard Mitigation Plan identifies and assesses natural hazards relevant to the communities of Region I.  By recognizing the threats posed to the County and its municipalities, elected officials and emergency responders are better prepared to plan for safe and sustainable communities.  The Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan complements both existing and future emergency response plans and long-term disaster recovery projects.  For detailed information regarding localized emergency response and disaster recovery plans, contact the community of interest.  Ultimately, this evolving document is the basis for a safer and more economically viable society.



In June 2016, the state of West Virginia suffered record breaking amounts of rainfall causing catastrophic flooding across 17 counties.

In this document you will find information on: West Virginia - Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery Action Plan for the use of CDBG-DR funds. In response to the floods of June 2016. 



This plan for McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Raleigh, Summers, and Wyoming Counties, has been developed to satisfy the requirements of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, signed into law on December 4, 2015 as a re-authorization of surface transportation programs through Fiscal Year 2020.  The FAST Act requires that transportation projects selected for funding under the Enhanced Mobility for Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) Program be "included in a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan," and that the plan be "developed and approved through a process that included participation by seniors, individuals with disabilities, representatives of public, private, and nonprofit transportation and human services providers and other members of the public" utilizing transportation services.

    2024 Regions 1 & 4 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Study


Siemens PTI was tasked with developing a comprehensive feasibility and siting study for EV charging stations throughout West Virginia’s Regions 1 and 4 Planning and Development Councils. The objective was to evaluate the feasibility of siting new EV charging stations in strategic locations throughout each region which would catalyze economic development, support existing businesses, improve quality of life for residents and visitors, and support key tourism destinations.



2020 - 2024 State of West Virginia Consolidated Plan


   Click on the document title to be linked to West Virginia Development Office - West Virginia Community and Development resource    page to view the 2020 HUD Consolidated Plan and Executive Summary.  


   Resources include State of WV 2020 Citizen Participation Plan and 2020 Analysis to Impediments of Fair Housing.  



 2022 CARES Act Plan - Roadmap to Economic Recovery



Region 1 PDC engaged AECOM in July of 2021 to help the PDC craft a “roadmap” for economic recovery and resiliency for the Region’s six diverse member counties. The purpose of this “roadmap” is to provide actionable tools and strategies for the PDC and its stakeholder organizations to help move the region towards a more resilient, diverse, stable economic base, and improve quality of life and provide more equal access to opportunity for all of its residents.

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